
Starting off 2011

       Well today begins a new year for us all and I am hoping that 2011 will bring some changes to my life. I am really hopeful about a few things and I'm really hoping 2011 is it!
      I have been working in the operating room of my local hospital for 4 1/2 years. Last February I interviewed with the neonatal intensive care unit and really thought I had the job then. Turns out I did not due to budget and training. A few days before Christmas I ran into the manager and she told me that she is ready to bring in new people to the department without experience so I am so hopeful I will get a call this month say that I can transfer *fingers crossed*
       On the home front we are hoping for a 2011 baby! We have been trying for 4 cycles now and I am so hopeful this month its killing me. I know I shouldn't be this way, but I think I am just really excited for a BFP to be my birthday present... I really keep trying to push the excitement down so that I do not get crushed this cycle, but it has been so hard. I know we will get our BFP when the time is right for us so I just have to keep my chin high and stay strong.
      As for a new years resolution I am not even sure I am making one. I never keep them and I am not sure exactly what I would make mine. Maybe it will be blogging :)